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Being a member of PSIA gives you a unique perspective on the

Philippine and global seed industry,

keeps  you well informed, and gets you involved.


  • Seal of quality attached to the PSIA brand as the preferred seed providers by government agencies

  • PSIA serves as a trusted and legitimate channel of industry concerns for government attention and action

  • Be part of a bigger voice that brings forward relevant issues and concerns affecting the seed industry

  • Promotion of new products through PSIA-led seed derbies around the country, PSIA pavilion at AgriLink and at the future National Seed Technology Park

  • Access to new technologies through PSIA-led trainings and exposure trips

  • Excellent venue for networking and business engagements on seed sourcing

  • Opportunities to seat in Seed Council technical working groups

  • Be able to access knowledge sharing in international seed bodies like the Asia Pacific Seed Association (APSA) and the International Seed Federation (ISF)


Become a PSIA Member

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